Continuum Concept

Articles by Jean Liedloff
- The Importance of the In-Arms Phase A concise description of the benefits of continuous baby-carrying.
- Allowing Human Nature To Work Successfully A very candid interview with Jean Liedloff, by Michael Mendizza
- Who’s In Control? The Unhappy Consequences of Being
Child-Centered - Normal Neurotics Like Us How does one heal a broken continuum?
- Adopt an Adult Orphan Another look at Yequana culture
- Questions and Answers Jean Liedloff Answers Readers’ Questions
- Back from Bali A conversation with Jean Liedloff
- An Interview with Jean Liedloff by Chris Mercogliano of the Albany Free School
- Why a Newsletter? This website replaced the printed newsletters, but the article is still relevant.
Additional Helpful Articles
- The Consequences of “Consequences” by Teresa Pitman. This discipline “technique” is popular, but does it work?
- Finding Your Tribe by Teresa Pitman. How tow create TCC-inspired support relationships with other families.
- Restoring Harmony: A Mother’s Story by Abigail Warren
- Other Voices Reviews of TCC and quotes from various authors and visionaries.
- A Review of Baby Carriers by Kathy Ireland
- Infant Carriers and Spinal Stress A chiropractor (and mother) recommends slings.
- Natural Infant Hygiene: A Gentle Alternative to Long-term Diapering by Ingrid Bauer, based on her book, Diaper Free!
- Neurosis by Dr. Arthur Janov. How a broken continuum leads to a broken self.
- Images of Yequana Baby-Carrying A few photos from Jean Liedloff’s collection.
- Homosexuality and The Continuum Concept Jean Liedloff comments.
Other Websites
- TCC Maven ( archived ) Information for practical continuum living, by Barbara Handley
- Yequana Information ( archived ) Barbara Handley’s Yequana resource page
- aTLC Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children
- International Breastfeeding Centre Dr. Jack Newman
- Links to information about co-sleeping
- The Compleat Mother Articles about pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding
- D.O.C. Doctors Opposing Circumcision
- The Natural Child Project Natural parenting from the heart
- Nurturing Across Cultures Formerly “The Rebozo Way”
- Touch the Future Inspired by Joseph Chilton Pearce’s work